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Love to Bird? 

Looking for chances and places to go birding?


Want to learn more about birds and birding? This could be the group for you.

We are a loosely organized group of locals who love birding. Some have years of experience observing and identifying birds. Some of us are backyard birders, building our list of recognizable birds. All of us want to learn more about the birds that reside in, migrate through, or occasionally visit our area.

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Join the
Bird Club!


To become a member of the Franklin Bird Club, simply join us for a Greenway bird walk. These walks are led by experienced birders and are held every Wednesday from April through September.

They begin from 3 locations. Locations are shown below. They include Big Bear, Salali Lane and the Macon County Library. There are no fees, though occasionally, we may take donations for operating costs or to support local organization (ex. F.R.O.G.S and the Greenway.)

See below for a map identifying the three Greenway entrances used for bird walks and the Greenway Bird Walk Calendar for dates and location of each weekly walk.

Bird List
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April through September, Greenway walks are held every Wednesday (weather permitting).


Walks begin at 8:00am.

Each Wednesday Walk begins at one of these 3 locations on the Little Tennessee River Greenway.

Greenway correct Map after edits.jpg

Click on the green location headers and links,

for a Google Maps pin & directions 

Big Bear Parking Lot—(Franklin, North Carolina)
From the west bound side of NE Main St near the Little Tennessee River, turn

north onto Big Bear Lane. Stay to the right and go to the larger parking lot below the pavilion, near the playground and the dog park.

Salali Lane Parking Lot—(Franklin, North Carolina)
Off of Highlands Road in Franklin (NC 28), take Fox Ridge Rd to the west. Fox Ridge is between the 441 bypass and the Franklin Flea Market. Turn right onto Salali Lane, go to the parking lot at the end of the road.

The Macon County Public Library Parking Lot—(Franklin, North Carolina)

149 Siler Farm Rd, Franklin, NC 2873

2025 Calendar

All walks start at 8:00 am, and last approximately 2.5 hours.

Bird walks are canceled in the event of rain.


April 16 - Macon Co Library

April 23 - Big Bear

April 30 - Salai Lane


May 7 - Macon Co Library

May 14 - Big Bear

May 21 - Salali Lane

May 28 - Macon Co Library


June 4 - Big Bear

June 11 - Salali Lane

June 18 - Macon Co Library

June 25 - Big Bear


July 2 - Salali Lane

July 9 - Macon Co Library

July 16 Big Bear

July 23 - Salali Lane

July 30 - Macon Co Library


August 6 - Big Bear

August 13 - Salali Lane

August 20 - Macon Co Library

August 27 - Big Bear


September 3 - Salali Lane

September 10 - Macon Co Library

September 17 - Big Bear

September 24 - Salali Lane

October - Walks Start at 8:30am 

October 1 - Macon Co Library

October 8  - Big Bear 

October 15 - Salali Lane


Franklin Bird Club Projects



Over the years, members of the Franklin Bird Club have made many contributions

to the Greenway. These have included financial donations and volunteer time spent building, installing, and maintaining bird friendly areas, as well as offering seasonal, weekly bird walks for the community.


In 2018, Franklin Bird Club installations on the Greenway included a Purple Martin House, donated by Bob Gilbert. The Purple Martin complex is found near the Community Garden behind the Southwest Community College Campus. It was installed by Terry Browning and George James. Jim and Ellen Shelton also added gourd birdhouses in the same area.

In 2019, using funds collected from the FBC, Jim Shelton built 12 cedar bird boxes, including 4 Bluebird, 4 House Wren and 4 Tree Swallow boxes.

These were installed along the Greenway on posts with stove-pipe, predator guards. By summer of the first year, 11 out of the 12 were in use, with nestlings or eggs from 5 different species.


Currently there are more than 50 bird houses along the Greenway being maintained and monitored by the HIGHTS.

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In 2020, after months of planning and building, two new Chimney Swift towers were completed on the Greenway. They are located near the Community Garden, behind the Macon County Public Library. Franklin Bird Club members and Friends of the Greenway members contributed building efforts and donations.

Member, Barbara McRae, approached Duke Energy for their support. Duke provided $500 toward the project.

Jim Shelton headed up the building team, planning, purchasing and preparing materials. His team included: Tom Brown, Tim Carstens, George James, George Kaye, Richard Lawrence, Wes Lawrence, Drew Leviton, and Ellen Shelton.

Our new Chimney Swift towers are a fitting tribute to the planning, dedication and determination of Franklin birders.


2023 saw the installation of the Barbara McRae Memorial Viewing Platform. This was a joint project of the Franklin Bird Club and Friends of the Greenway. Barbara McRae was a founding member of both organizations. The platform is located at Big Bear, just west of the playground gazebo, overlooking the wetlands. 

Designed by John Sill with building plans by Ed Haight, the platform was built by volunteers from the Bird Club and Friends of the Greenway. Volunteers included Ed Haight, Kevin Robertson, Drew Leviton, Tommy Marsh, Jim and Ellen Shelton, John Sill, Jerry Denny, George James, Stan Polanski, and John Hinson.  


Common Backyard Birds of the Greenway:

Identification guide

Thanks to Tim Carstens, we can now double check our backyard bird sightings.  

Here are some of the most common in our area.


Friends of the Greenway -- FROG Quarters
573 E. Main Street, Franklin, NC 28734

828 - 369 - 8488

 Tax ID: 03-0432071

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 Look for future plans as  they may develop. 

Donations generate the funds to make

improvements to the Greenway.

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